Dwayne Johnson announced on Instagram that he is reaching out to the Musée Grévin in Paris after it unveiled a botched wax figure of the A-list Hollywood star. Fans reacted in horror earlier this month at the museum’s light-skinned wax figure of Johnson, complete with a suburban dad kind of outfit that Johnson is almost never seen in. The wax figure drew instant comparisons to Mr. Clean, and Johnson re-shared to his Instagram a video from comedian James Andre Jefferson Jr. in which the wax figure was roasted. …
“Knew my boy James Andre Jefferson Jr. had this Rock wax statue in his roasting crosshairs,” Johnson wrote in the caption of the video. “For the record, I’m going to have my team reach out to our friends at Grevin Museum in Paris France so we can work at ‘updating’ my wax figure here with some important details and improvements — starting with my skin color. And next time I’m in Paris, I’ll stop in and have a drink with myself.”
[“Allez mec” is the Google translation for ‘come on, man’ in French. I’m not sure what the translation for YGBFKM would be, to be honest. I’ve seen the pictures, and, well … sacre bleu. — Ed]
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