The Hospital Attacks You Have Not Heard About

Barzilai Medical Center is a major hospital in Israel’s southern region, the epicenter of the nearly two-week-old high-intensity conflict between Israel and Hamas. Hundreds of rockets from Gaza have been fired at the seaside city, with many hitting buildings and people who happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.


Despite being a hospital, Barzilai Medical Center has been attacked at least four times by rockets fired by terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip. Dr. Gili Givaty, the deputy director of the hospital, explained the first rocket struck a bridge used to connect two main buildings on campus. One rocket hit and severely damaged the center’s child development ward.

[Julio’s on the ground in southern Israel and reporting first-hand. Stop by his new Substack, Mostly Peaceful, and subscribe to support his ongoing reporting from the war zone. — Ed]

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