Mike's 'Roger' on Jordan: A turning point?

House Armed Services Chairman Mike Rogers (R-AL) announced on Monday that he would support Jordan, a significant development as Rogers had reportedly declared last week that he could not be swayed to back Jordan.


Jordan “and I have had two cordial, thoughtful, and productive conversations over the past two days. We agreed on the need for Congress to pass a strong NDAA [National Defense Authorization Act], appropriations to fund our government’s vital functions, and other important legislation like the Farm Bill,” Rogers said in a post to X. …

“Mike Rogers’ endorsement brings to the surface a very important dynamic in this speaker race: If Jordan is within striking distance of winning — 10 or so away — it’s his to lose. It will be tough to stand in the way of his speakership then,” Sherman added. “If he’s 30 away, it’s a totally different ballgame.”

[He was 55 away on Friday, and that was with ten or so members not on hand for that anonymous balloting. That’s a tall hill to overcome, especially with all of the hard feelings in the caucus over what happened to Kevin McCarthy. Several members told reporters anonymously that voting for Jordan would be akin to endorsing the coup d’etat. Can Jordan reverse that by tomorrow night? If he tries and comes up 30 votes short, Jordan will set himself up for an embarrassing evening. — Ed]

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