It appears that we’re needlessly heading for a government shutdown, thanks in large part to the stupidity and stubbornness of a handful of idiots in the House and a presidential candidate who’s more interested in his own interests than what’s right for the nation. Specifically, Donald Trump wants a government shutdown so Republicans can “defund these political prosecutions against me.”
Further, a trio of blithering idiots (Andy Biggs, Matt Gaetz and Matt Rosendale) are intent on doing whatever Trump tells them to do. Friday night, 21 Republicans voted against a stopgap CR that would’ve given House Republicans time to pass the 12 individual appropriations bills. Some statements essentially admitted that there were lots of positive things in the stopgap CR before they voted against the CR.
For instance, Rep. Troy Nehls said “While this bill makes significant spending cuts and enhances border security, it allows illegal aliens to remain in our communities and continue to wreak havoc across the country. I remain committed to fighting against out-of-control, reckless spending. I refuse to adhere to the traditions of the Swamp. I remain committed to restoring fiscal sanity in Washington, D.C., and fight to always put America FIRST.”
Rep. Nehls isn’t an idiot. He’s just wrong in this instance. Gaetz, Biggs and Rosendale are my-way-or-the-highway types. That’s the portrait of stupidity, especially when Republicans control 1 leg of the 3-legged stool (House, Senate and White House) in DC.
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