Modern masculinity does have a problem. More men than ever are committing suicide, more men than ever are addicted to opioids, and more men than ever are not going to college. And there’s a lot of depression. The real reason for that is, men have been deprived of their traditional roles or have deprived themselves of their traditional roles. The original roles of a male were to provide for and protect a family, which meant get married, have kids, protect, defend, provide. That’s what men did. And it gave them purpose and meaning.
Then we built an entire society around the idea that this was actively bad, that there was a serious problem with doing this. And thus society has fallen apart. Feminism argued in order for men to fulfill their traditional roles, women had to be tertiary or secondary or be treated as slaves, etc. But that was an idiotic assumption. Marriage was always good for women.
[Marriage was always good for both men and women, but was especially good for children. This does not rely on he-man version of masculinity, but instead on the mutually supporting and complementary roles both sexes should play in family dynamics. I spoke at length this week with Dr. Owen Strachan on this topic in my new podcast below, and about his new book “The War on Men,” available for preorder now and coming out next week. — Ed]
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