It was going to happen at some point. You can’t be director of a grassroots campaign like Don’t Divide Us (DDU), committed to a liberal, democratic approach to race issues, without expecting some blowback. But to be cancelled three days before I was due to speak at the Rethinking Education conference, I have to admit, came as an unwelcome surprise.
I was due to speak in a debate tomorrow entitled ‘What is indoctrination within education and how can we avoid it?’. But because I actively campaign against racial indoctrination in schools, I was disinvited. (Ironically, I was also the only person of colour on the panel.)
[D’oh! But the story gets worse. The organizers canceled her appearance because her opponents were “distressed and scared” to be confronted by criticism, which isn’t exactly the BEST way to argue that the education system hasn’t been co-opted for indoctrination instead. Cuthbert’s sequence of events should evince nothing less than a series of facepalms — and renewed concerns over the status of education in the UK. — Ed]
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