CNN fact checker: Biden has a habit of "inventing or embellishing stories about his own past"


DALE: He had – this president has a pattern at this point of either inventing or embellishing stories about his own past, his biography.

He did it three times in one speech last month alone. He claimed he had witnessed a bridge collapse in Pittsburgh, when he actually showed up about 6 hours later. He claimed that his grandfather had died just days before he was born himself at the same hospital. In fact, his grandpa died more than a year before in a different state, not not the same hospital. And, and he also repeated a favorite false story that I and others have debunked over and over again about a supposed a conversation with an Amtrak train conductor he was friends with who was actually deceased at the time the conversation would have had to take place.

And that’s not all. There are some more serious ones, in my view. Previously in his presidency, he claimed at one point he’d been arrested during a civil rights protest, when in other versions of the story, he just said an officer had taken him home from a protest. He said he had visited the Pittsburgh synagogue where worshipers were killed in a 2018 mass shooting. In fact, he’d actually spoken to the rabbi, but never, but never went. And he’s made a whole bunch of others, too. He said at one point — Republicans like to bring this up — he said that he used to drive a tractor trailer, used to drive an 18-wheeler. Never happened.


The White House later clarified he used to drive a school bus at one point, for, as a as a job, briefly. School bus, of course, not an 18-wheeler.

So, whatever his intentions, whether it’s, you know, foggy memory about stuff that’s going on decades ago or deliberate embellishment, this is an unfortunate pattern that keeps coming up again and again with Joe Biden.

[It’s good to see Dale highlight this, but he also never uses the appropriate word: LYING. Biden has spent his career lying about himself, his accomplishments, his background, and his positions. Anyone who followed his career from the 1987 presidential primary campaign would know this. He’s twenty pounds of bulls*** in a ten-pound bag — always has been, always will be. — Ed]

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