Journalistic malpractice can happen on the Right, too

Like most conservatives , I don’t trust the media. Liberal reporters lie, omit facts, and ignore people who contradict their narrative. We all know that.

What’s more disturbing is when journalistic malpractice happens on the Right. Conservatives are supposed to be better than the Left. Yet we’re sometimes no better than the Washington Post and the New York Times. …


Ignorance by omission, blasting movies you haven’t seen, speculating on historical events without talking to those who were involved and actually there — it sounds like liberal media malpractice. It makes me appreciate thorough reporters such as Byron York and Matt Taibbi.

[Mark’s specific criticism focuses on Ben Shapiro and Tucker Carlson for their decision to re-introduce con man Larry Sinclair back to punditry after a well-deserved sentence to oblivion. Both men do fine work otherwise, and I especially like Shapiro’s assertiveness and advocacy for conservative values and policies. But the rest of us shouldn’t defend the mistakes when they occur, nor should we fall into the temptation to embrace ‘the enemy of my enemy’ as an ally without the proper discernment. Turning RFK Jr into some sort of conservo-populist figure is another of those ‘enemy of my enemy is my ally’ errors. — Ed]

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