Dark Money Brandon?

President Joe Biden last year condemned so-called dark money as a “serious problem facing our democracy.” Now, the unpopular Democrat is embracing a super PAC that experts say used an illegal scheme to conceal its donors.


The group, Future Forward, is led by former Obama campaign officials and has earned endorsements from Bidenworld as the “pre-eminent super PAC” supporting the president’s reelection bid. Central to Future Forward’s success is its ability to raise massive sums of money—nearly $400 million in the past five years—to run ads boosting Biden and other Democrats in battleground states. But the tactics Future Forward used to anonymously raise much of that money could lead to its downfall, legal experts told the Washington Free Beacon.

[All of this nonsense comes from the incentives set by campaign finance “reform.” If we want transparency in political donations, strip tax-exempt status from all PACs and super-PACs while removing donation limits to candidates and political parties. Any cumulative amount over, say, $500 will have to be fully disclosed in FEC reports. That won’t get money out of politics, but it will at least get money out of the shadows. — Ed]

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