Roseanne says Whoopi wrote the blackface jokes for Ted Danson and then "turned on him" for them

Comedian Roseanne Barr revealed how Whoopi Goldberg orchestrated Ted Danson’s blackface routine when they “were in love” and then threw him under the bus for it after the incident. Roseanne made the reveal during an interview with Alex Stein.


Danson made the blackface performance repleat with use of the “n-word,” at the 1993 Celebrity Roast at the Friar’s Club in New York City.

Danson was “Whoopi’s lover” according to an October 1993 report on the comic’s routine at the roast. Danson had allegedly said the n-word more than a dozen times during the series of jokes.

Danson said at the time, “She dared me to do this,” in reference to Goldberg. She allegedly said, “Let’s get these words all out in the open. It took a whole lot of courage to come out in blackface in front of 3,000 people. I don’t care if you didn’t like it. I did.”

[Why, I can’t imagine – Whoopie’s always seemed like such a sweet, above-board type. ~ Beege]

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