Mitch McConnell's mistake?

I suspect that lots of Republicans hate Mitch McConnell for cautioning against impeaching Joe Biden. I’m not not critical of McConnell for saying “I said two years ago, when we had not one but two impeachments, that once we go down this path it incentivizes the other side to do the same thing. Impeachment ought to be rare. This is not good for the country.”


The smart play is starting an impeachment inquiry. Republicans would need 19 Senate Democrats to vote with them to convict and remove Biden. There’s a better chance of me getting hit with lightning while holding a winning lottery ticket than getting that many Democrats to vote for conviction. If there was overwhelming proof that a) Biden had sold out the U.S. and b) Democrats were passive in defending Biden, it’d still be an uphill fight.

While there’s some proof that Biden sold out the U.S., there isn’t overwhelming, beyond-a-shadow-of-a-doubt proof of that happening. Further, there’s no proof that a single Democrat or independent who votes with and caucuses with Democrats flipping.

[I tend to agree that *starting an inquiry* is the right call. Moving it to a vote is another matter. Unless Republicans really uncover a Perry Mason smoking gun, Gary’s correct — Democrats will end any attempt to remove Biden, and the matter will end at that point. It’s better to be patient, to hold public hearings, collect testimony, and apply continuous political fire to the feet of Biden and Democrats. — Ed]

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