In the greatest of all possible ironies, the Oregon Health Science University, the entity that informed Marlene Barbera its clinics would no longer be treating her, proclaims in a banner headline on its website that it is ‘Building an OHSU where all feel welcome’. Well, all except a woman suffering from breast cancer who believes in biological reality.
The OHSU homepage also states: ‘Our new Health Equity Organisation is working with the community to bring Oregonians equal access to health care.’ Need I come up with a pithy phrase to point out the glaring, appalling, eye-watering, hypocrisy at work here? Or does it write itself?
As for Teresa Steele’s case, do I really need to point out the deep vulnerability that any person feels when they are expecting to have surgery? Do I need to spell out that an unwell woman should have a right to a private, single-sex space, where a man ‘wearing a blonde wig and bright scarlet lipstick’ is forbidden from entering?
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