Trump was indicted to distract from credit downgrade

So they indicted President Donald John Trump again, this time for giving a speech on the National Mall. Apparently that is now an insurrection. J. Edgar Hoover is probably kicking himself for not thinking of arresting Martin Luther King after his “I Have A Dream” speech. Hoover once tried to blackmail King into committing suicide.

Now, whenever Biden indicts Trump, smart readers ask themselves what is Biden trying to distract us from this time? His son’s day in court? His secretary of state bowing to Chairman Xi? A whistleblower testifying before Congress?

This time it is creditors getting uneasy about his overspending. For every dollar the federal government takes in taxes, it spends two. Lenders want too charge you more money when you do that.

CNBC reported, “Fitch downgrades U.S. long-term rating to AA+ from AAA.”

The world’s once most reliable and secure investment — the valedictorian of the world economy — just got downgraded. It may not seem like much but it is a step in the wrong direction.


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