Heigh ho, heigh ho, it's off to woke we go

It seems some photos from the set of Disney’s new, live-action Snow White movie have been leaked and have gone viral, largely via the New York Post. Chief among them is this one …which shows a person (perhaps of the human kind formerly known as ‘woman,’ but I’m afraid to speculate) dressed as an extra from The Handmaid’s Tale, leading a sad parade of morose and crotchety-looking characters who appear to have just escaped from the local soup kitchen through an ecologically-sound rewilding area to…God knows where.


Faced with an almost universally negative reaction to the shots and the story, Disney at first lied, and said they were totally fake, and not from the production at all. They subsequently backtracked. The shots are from the production, although they’re not the official shots, and one or two of the performers in some of the shots (hard to dignify them with the term “actors”) may be stand-ins. …

I’m pretty sure you had a first reaction, when you saw that image and I told you where it came from.

I bet, “What absolutely magical creatures those are!” wasn’t it.

[Disney refuses to learn the First Rule of Holes: Stop digging. If they didn’t want to remake “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves,” they could have found another fairy tale to make instead. There’s a reason that “Sound of Freedom” is getting more box office than three Disney first-run releases combined, and it’s because Disney has destroyed its credibility and trust with parents on material. This may be the most ‘absurdum’ of its ‘reductios’ yet, though. — Ed]


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