How’s this for proof of CELAC’s true colors? Pressure exerted on other Latrine American nations by the Castro, Inc. Triangle has led to the cancellation of Volodimir Zelensky at the summit being held in Brussels.
The Castro, Inc. Triangle (Cuba- Venezuela- Nicaragua) is as much of a sinister vortex as the infamous Bermuda Triangle or a black hole. It causes hope to vanish without a trace. This vortex at the center of the Latrine galaxy known as CELAC is a voracious force that won’t stop devouring all hope for a better future until it has turned the entire lower half of the Western hemisphere into a totalitarian hellhole allied with the Russia-China-Iran triangle on the other side of the world.
The Castro, Inc. Triangle dominates CELAC, and the triangle itself is dominated by Cuba, one of the few countries on planet earth that has consistently and vociferously defended Russia’s invasion and rape of Ukraine.
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