DeSantis: No, I won't be Trump's running mate

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said Tuesday he would not be former President Donald Trump’s running mate if given the opportunity to join him on the ticket.

“I don’t think so. I’m not a No. 2 guy,” DeSantis said on the “Wisconsin Right Now” radio show, saying he would rather stay on as governor because the vice presidency “doesn’t really have any authority.”


[A couple of points on this question, which is pretty silly but still common at this stage in every cycle. No one who’s serious about winning the nomination would even hint at taking the #2 slot on the ticket at this point. That’s a question best suited for sometime after Super Tuesday, not six months prior to it.

But also, DeSantis wouldn’t do it anyway. He has an actual gubernatorial job to which he can return and rebuild his national presence if he loses the primaries to Trump or anyone else. That beats sitting on his thumbs for four years as VP if Trump won the presidency. The people around Trump do not get his loyalty or respect, as Trump keeps demonstrating, and they end up carrying his baggage to boot. And if Trump loses, then DeSantis doesn’t gain anything from the partnership. Better to go his own way and finish up his gubernatorial term. — Ed]

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