Say, remember when Biden DoJ touted its crackdown on "lie[s] in connection with firearm transactions"?

Just six months before Hunter Biden’s lawyers announced he had struck a plea deal with prosecutors that will likely allow him to avoid spending time behind bars for a felony drug offense, his father’s Justice Department touted a crackdown on precisely the sort of crime that Biden committed.


In a January press release, the Justice Department said that “federal prosecutors [are] aggressively pursuing those who lie in connection with firearms transactions,” arguing that its tough-on-offender policies were essential to “reduc[ing] gun violence.”

The Justice Department listed eight individuals who either pleaded guilty or were convicted of lying on a federal firearms application.

[How many of these were allowed to enter diversion programs? None of them, according to that press release. None of them got prosecuted for tax evasion at the same time either, and most of these eight were only charged with the firearms violations alone. The title of that press release? “Federal Prosecutors Aggressively Pursuing Those Who Lie in Connection With Firearm Transactions.” That was January 2023, five months before the same DoJ swept Hunter Biden’s felony under the rug. — Ed]

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