Female inmate in NJ prison: Trans inmate beat me for refusing sex

As a result of the injuries Reed sustained, she was removed from the correctional facility and taken to Hunterdon Medical Center, where she received medical care before being transferred to Edna Mahan’s on-site hospital unit. Reed stated that she was being treated for a broken nose and that she had two black eyes that remained swollen for weeks afterwards. …


“I was attacked because I didn’t want to have sex with him,” Reed told Reduxx. But disturbingly, Reed found herself penalized for defending herself against her assailant.

Both Gibson and Reed were punished for the altercation and were handed 90 days in “lockup,” a holding cell that is isolated from other inmates. Reed was sent to lockup immediately upon her release from the hospital facility.

Another female inmate who has repeatedly been placed within the same cell block unit as several of the male transfers spoke to Reduxx about the incident under the condition of anonymity. Pamela* expressed her incredulity and outrage at the circumstances involving the men being held at EMCF.

[These policies are insane. We separate inmates by biological sex for a reason, and these cases demonstrate the reasons very well. States that follow trans policies are condemning the women incarcerated in prisons to become prey for the predators. — Ed]

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