At times like these, I sure am glad I’m not a Democrat. While several aspiring Republican notables are throwing their hats into the ring, the Democrats’ standard-bearer is collapsing in the polls. Having another full term of eligibility, Mr. Biden eschews turning himself into a lame duck and continues to cling to the prospect of his re-election. Meanwhile, our rudderless nation is drifting onto the rocks of an unpleasant destiny.
All along, Biden’s age-related feebleness has cast doubt about his functional abilities. This has only gotten worse with time. But now the FBI and the lapdog media are backing away from shielding him from a looming influence-peddling scandal. And yet, the more marketable Democrat presidential aspirants are holding back…just so they won’t appear disrespectful of our current president. They’re also not exactly star quality material when compared to the Republican field.
One of the great political miracles of all time was the survival of the Democrats in the aftermath of the Civil War. Prior to Lincoln, Republicans were, at best, a third party. The first president after Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, was a Union-Democrat. It wasn’t until Grover Cleveland defeated James G. Blaine in the election of 1884 that the Democrats managed to once again win a national contest. In many ways, Cleveland was to the right of Ronald Reagan and barely squeaked by in the popular vote — 48.9 to 48.3 percent.
[None of my suggestions would pass muster with Ed as suitable for publication. ~ Beege]
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