All of this finds its metaphorical manifestation, I’d argue, in the E Jean Carroll case: there is simply no way to defend yourself against a rape charge nearly 30-years after the alleged incident took place — particularly when, as in this case, the accuser admits in her deposition that she didn’t say no, that she didn’t scream, and that she didn’t report the incident to police. Hell, she doesn’t even know with any specificity when the alleged incident happened! And yet a New York City jury, which was always going to be politically hostile to Trump, found the former President liable in the case.
And we all knew they would, especially if they could establish plausible deniability for acting purely as political partisans. They wanted to punish Trump. And by allowing this ridiculous case to be brought, the courts let them. The verdict was practically baked in once the case was allowed to proceed. The populist ogre has now been legally vilified; order of the elites, with their rules for what democracy must look like, has been restored; the ends justified the means.
This use of the legal system as punishment — lawfare — goes beyond mere political vindictiveness. This is, in fact, common practice post-Trump. It is the normalizing of political prosecution by partisan actors using the legal system as cover in a way that appeals to American sensibilities, especially the aesthetic, “rule of law,” which we’re conditioned to believe, in a neutral sense, we still live under. But we don’t. These aren’t real trials. They’re simulacra. We’ve become a Potemkin democracy. Nothing is as it seems. All is power. And power is all.
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