Listen. I love for women to feel empowered to do and be great. I’m all about that. Be incredible. But also, I’m not going to avoid pointing out when something is stupid just because it involves a woman. And this? This is stupid. Check out this video of Olivia Pichardo, who the New England Sports Network describes as “the first woman to play NCAA Division 1 baseball.” Here she is getting to throw out the first pitch. Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought you had to be a pretty decent baseball player to make it to Division 1. And this is not the throw of a player good enough to be on a Division 1 college baseball team. Sorry, not sorry. It’s just not. Now, you might be inclined to cut her some slack because pitching in baseball is dang hard. But, y’all, she’s a pitcher. Pitcher and outfielder are literally the positions she plays. She should at least be capable of throwing the ball to the catcher, even if it’s not a fast or curve ball. The catcher literally couldn’t even reach the ball when she threw it.
[I’ll cut her a huss for nerves, but yeesh. That was worse than Barack Obama and you just can’t do that. ~ Beege]
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