You better believe the trans movement is coming for your kids

Recently a group of Democrat legislators in Minnesota, led by the state’s first transgender lawmaker, introduced a bill that would have removed language in Minnesota’s Human Rights Act that explicitly says pedophilia is not a “sexual orientation” as defined by state statute.


By removing that language, the bill would have opened the door to widening the definition of sexual orientation to include pedophilia as a protected class alongside other minorities.

Ultimately the effort failed, and the Democrat-controlled state House was persuaded by a Republican lawmaker to amend the so-called “Take Pride Act” (HF 1655) to clarify that pedophilia “is not a protected class under this chapter.”

But the push by trans activists to change this language is instructive, because it tells you exactly what the movement is all about and where it’s headed.

[It’s about exploiting children and normal, temporary confusion over sexual identity in order to validate adults, at the very least. At worst, it’s grooming children for a lifetime of sexual exploitation and medical bills. — Ed]

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