SCOTUS could teach Dems a lesson or two about ethics

The committee chair, Dick Durbin, contends he merely wants the justices to abide by the ethics rules that Congress has drafted for itself. If they did, it would mean a complete degradation of standards in the court.


Because while there has not been a scintilla of evidence offered by anyone that the originalist justices have altered their judicial philosophy or approach for personal benefit, one could not say that same thing about the leader of the delegitimization effort, Durbin, who, according to a 2014 Chicago Tribune investigation, used his office and power to help enrich his lobbyist wife …

Durbin did not pay a fine or face any repercussions for this conflict of interest. Then again, do you know how many officials the Senate Select Committee on Ethics has issued disciplinary sanctions to since 2007? Zero.

[Perhaps the Supreme Court should draft ethics and disclosure requirements for Congress. But wait — it’s a separate and co-equal branch, Democrats will say! And indeed, that’s correct … which is why Congress doesn’t get to set ethics and disclosure requirements for the judiciary. — Ed]

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