Bragg's lawsuit against Jordan a farce on top of a farce

I don’t think much of Bragg’s lawsuit even though, as a matter of constitutional principle, I believe he is right that Congress has no general supervisory power over state law-enforcement officials. As I’ve explained, Jordan and his fellow Republican committee chairmen are running roughshod over federalism principles that used to be important to conservatives, and they are committing political malpractice by turning their committees into Trump’s defense counsel. But Bragg’s strongest legal arguments have been eviscerated by congressional Democrats, who shamelessly politicized their legislative power in pursuit of then-President Trump’s personal financial records, particularly his tax records.


It was patently obvious that Democrats used their subpoena power, which is supposed to be reserved for proper federal legislative purposes, to pursue partisan ends – mainly, to force the surrender of Trump tax information, which progressives and the media were ballistic that he refused to reveal after first committing to disclose early in the 2016 campaign. House Democrats feigned all manner of high-minded legislative purposes in subpoenaing Trump’s financial records, but everyone knew full well that their purpose was partisan.

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