We warned people this is where legal recognition of same sex “marriage” would lead. Even squishy Chief Justice John Roberts saw that the Obergefell decision boded ill for religious liberty. And now here we are, an American state treating Christians as second class citizens, unfit to parent children. (H/T Gateway Pundit.) The Alliance Defending Freedom reports:
On behalf of a single mother of five wishing to adopt siblings from foster care, Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys filed a federal lawsuit Monday against Oregon state officials for denying her application because of her religious beliefs.
Jessica Bates began the process of applying to become certified to adopt a child from Oregon’s foster care system one year ago. The Oregon Department of Human Services, the agency responsible for the delivery and administration of the state’s child welfare programs, denied her application because individuals seeking to adopt must agree to “respect, accept, and support … the sexual orientation, gender identity, [and] gender expression” of any child the department could place in an applicant’s home, and Bates could not agree to this because of her faith.
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