Why capitalism loves transgenderism

This is the news that the Communist Party of Britain has come out against gender self-ID. The CPB is an offshoot of the Communist Party of Great Britain (deceased). It’s all very Life of Brian. Yet however eccentric and even Soviet-sympathising the nostalgic anoraks of the CPB might be, they’ve managed to think crystal clearly about self-ID and have decided that it clashes with ‘the sex-based rights of women’. Too right, comrades!


It remains to be seen how the trans lobby and its noisy allies will square the existence of these commies for biology with their belief that everyone who says men are not women is basically Himmler. Posie Parker, JK Rowling, the mums and grans who gather in Hyde Park to politely request that fellas in dresses stay out of women-only spaces – all have been damned as ‘fascist-adjacent’ by woke bros. Alt-right pond-life once branded women’s rights campaigners ‘feminazis’; now Oxford-educated fake leftists call them ‘fascist-adjacent’. Same arse, different cheek.

Yet even as the bourgeois identitarians furiously WhatsApp each other to work out how to rebrand communists as fascists, they might also take the time to read the CPB’s statement. It’s very good.

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