In September 2018, Adderall Diaries author Stephen Elliott described the extended nightmare he’d endured since being falsely accused of rape on “Shitty Media Men,” the infamous Google spreadsheet created by Brooklyn writer Moira Donegan. Rape is typically a difficult crime to prove or disprove. But as Elliott noted in his widely read Quillette essay, the unusual nature of his sex life, which he’d been open about for years, made him an unlikely target for this kind of accusation:
[UPDATE: I am hearing this is behind a paywall, which it wasn’t when I read it. My apologies These “empowered,” vile, nasty, previously unaccountable women who do this sort of thing are finally being held responsible for their loathsome behavior. However educated they are, however privileged their positions, they have zero right to sling lies in mean girl fits of pique and hurt #feelingz destroying lives. For too long, targets – especially easy ones, who weren’t saints, to begin with – would accept the censure and crawl under a rock, protesting their innocence, praying for the truth to come out. Thank God they are standing up to it now. It still takes too long to crush a lie, but it can be done. ~ Beege]
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