The Catholic vote returns -- and Dems are losing it

In modern America, however, Catholics face new threats from the Democratic Party and have every reason to be outraged. In recent months, the Biden Administration has quietly stood by as leftists committed over 100 violent attacks upon faith-based pregnancy resource centers and pro-life organizations. And since May of 2020, more than 225 Catholic churches have been firebombed, smashed, ransacked, or vandalized. Meanwhile, the Left continues to impose Critical Race Theory, radical transgenderism, and other “woke” views on children in public and Catholic schools alike, something Catholic parents recognize as antithetical to Christian values and teachings on love for neighbor and family.


It’s no wonder Catholics are exiting the Democratic Party in droves, or refusing to support it in the first place. Across six key swing states, Catholic voters overwhelmingly support restrictions on abortion, in direct opposition to Democrat candidates who oppose any restrictions on the procedure, including their support for abortion until birth. In Pennsylvania, for example, 81% of likely Catholic voters support at least some abortion restrictions. Most Catholics in these states also agree that elected officials should decide the impact of Roe v. Wade’s reversal through ballot initiatives – not partisan judges.

Meanwhile, in the battleground states of Arizona and Nevada, Catholics voice strong disapproval of our nation’s second Democratic Catholic president. In Arizona, polling shows that 58% of Catholics disapprove of President Biden while 63% of Nevada Catholics disapprove of him, in large part because of his mishandling of the economy. More significantly, polling reveals that 44% of Hispanic Catholic voters who voted for Biden in 2020 now plan to vote Republican this fall. This data spells doom for Democratic candidates in the midterm elections and beyond.


[I’m skeptical that there is a “Catholic vote” any longer, even in this environment. The issues cited here drive a lot more voters than just Catholics, and it’s at least somewhat likely that Catholic voters are mirroring a larger cultural disconnect from Democrats — especially in this cycle. — Ed]

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