MSNBC: Latino voters for "God, country, family, hard work," and safety, so ...

DIAZ-BALART (voice-over): “She wants the party to take stronger action on issues like abortion and voting rights. But our poll found that the top issues for Latinos was actually the cost of living.”


RODRIGUEZ-GREER: “We see that prices are through the roof. And we want to know what people are going to do to help put that burden down.”

DIAZ-BALART: “In conservative stronghold states like Texas, signs of a political shift among Latino voters with more now leaning Republican. Jose Arreola and Maria Batres live in El Paso.”

DIAZ-BALART (on camera): “Maria, you were a Democrat, and you are now a Republican. Why?”

BATRES: “Because of the fact that the Democratic Party has changed a lot I identify more with the Republican Party.”

DIAZ-BALART: “What things?”

BARTES: “Well, we’re for God, country, family and hard work.”

DIAZ-BALART (voice-over): “Jose used to vote blue too, now he’s also a Republican, and most concerned with immigration and beefing up border security.”

DIAZ-BALART (on camera): “What are the concerns you have about immigration?”

ARREOLA: “The fact of the matter is that we — you know, we don’t feel safe anymore.”

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