Salmon, a DeSantis ally who co-founded the House Freedom Caucus with the Florida Republican, said DeSantis should join Pence and Ducey in endorsing Republican contender Karrin Taylor Robson over Trump-backed Kari Lake to show his independence from the former president. Salmon ended his gubernatorial bid last month and backed Taylor Robson, who is running a close second behind Lake in the polls.
“We’re hoping he will. If he’s smart he will,” Salmon told NBC News at a Taylor Robson event last week. “Kind of the dope on him from a lot of folks in the media is that he’s subservient to Trump. And that he won’t even make a move without asking Trump first.”
“This would be a bold move from him, to come out and support a real conservative and show that he’s an independent thinker,” Salmon added. “And he’s somebody that is willing to fight not just for the conservative ideals, but for the soul of America.”
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