Trump -- maker of clusters, not kings

From Roy Moore in 2017 to the more recent scandals of Max Miller, Sean Parnell, Charles Herbster, and Herschel Walker, Trump gravitates toward these men. He has not ruled out endorsing Eric Greitens in Missouri, another nightmare Senate candidate for Republicans. Greitens has been accused by his ex-wife of being physically violent with her and their children. He was also accused by a woman he had an affair with of tying her up, stripping her in his basement, and photographing her for the purposes of blackmail. Donald Trump Jr. recently went hunting with Greitens; Junior’s girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, is the national co-chair of Greitens campaign.


After Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp most likely wins his primary next week – Trump’s handpicked choice, David Perdue, is so far behind he has already pulled his ads off the air – Trump could turn around and tell Georgia voters that the election is rigged, and that Kemp is so bad they may as well elect Democrat Stacey Abrams after all. Oh wait, he already did that. In September of 2021, Trump said at a rally, “Stacey, would you like to take his place? It’s OK with me … of course having her, I think, might be better than having your existing governor, if you want to know what I think. Might very well be better.”

Is Trump trying to help the party? The country? Not even close. He’s trying to further his fraudulent narrative that the 2020 election was stolen, and he’s trying to take revenge on his enemies. Republican Party officials are bracing for Trump to make the next several months difficult and volatile. But this is all predictable, and they asked for it.


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