Why has Dem Rep. Kai Kahele stopped showing up to work?

A Civil Beat analysis of Kahele’s voting record found that over the past four months Kahele has rarely spent any time in Washington.

He skipped President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address, was the only member of the state’s federal delegation to miss out on meetings with city officials who were in D.C. to talk to the Federal Transit Administration about the future of Honolulu’s $10 billion rail project and was a no-show for a House Armed Services Committee hearing last week to discuss the Department of Defense’s $773 billion budget request for fiscal year 2023.


So far in 2022, Kahele has only cast five votes in person, all of them over the course of three days in January.

His remaining 120 votes — including one on April 2 to decriminalize marijuana that he boasted about in a press release including photos of him at a Big Island dispensary — were cast via proxy, meaning he had asked a fellow member to vote on his behalf on the House floor while he stayed home in the islands.

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