Sarah Palin is back. Her GOP may have moved on.

It would be one thing if Palin’s ascent were to be decided by her would-be colleagues—or by Trump—but it’s not. That responsibility belongs to a group with perhaps the most complicated relationship to Palin: the voters of Alaska.


That is not necessarily good news for the former governor. Democratic and GOP operatives alike say recent polling shows Palin remains deeply unpopular.

It has been more than a decade since Palin resigned as Alaska governor to pursue her career in entertainment. But many Alaskans apparently have not forgotten the record she left behind—or the ethics scandals that trailed her during and after her term.

That includes some staunch conservatives in Alaska, like Suzanne Downing, the owner of an influential conservative blog in Alaska called Must Read Politics. In a Monday column, Downing slammed Palin’s candidacy. “We lived through her time in office” Downing wrote, “and we’ve not recovered.”

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