Poll: 63% of Americans say Putin "cannot remain in power"

Asked whether respondents agreed with an unattributed quote about Putin — “This man cannot remain in power” — 63% of those surveyed said they did.

But when Yahoo News and YouGov posed the question differently, asking whether “President Biden” was “right or wrong” to have said those words — which Biden did on March 26 — just 48% of Americans were willing to say the president was “right.”


Likewise, the number who said Biden was “wrong” (29%) was more than twice as high as the number who disagreed with his remark before it was attributed to him (14%).

Unsurprisingly, Republicans were responsible for most of this movement. Before Biden’s name was mentioned, Republicans agreed that Putin “cannot remain in power” by a 36-point margin (57% agree vs. 21% disagree). After the remark was attributed to the president, however, they insisted he was wrong by 9 points (46% wrong vs. 37% right).

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