“Florida has a disgraceful surgeon general”

“So, Florida’s Department of Health released new guidelines Tuesday that said healthy children in Florida, age five to 17, do not need to get vaccinated,” Tapper said. “That’s obviously not what the CDC says.”


The host asked Reiner for his reaction.

“Florida has a disgraceful surgeon general,” Reiner said. “I think what has become abundantly clear is children do get this virus. Most children, thankfully, will do fine with it, but the CDC says we’ve lost about 1,400 kids to coronavirus, and thousands and thousands of children have been hospitalized.”

Reiner said that vaccinations could have prevented pediatric hospitalizations and deaths for many of those kids.

“Even though there’s some data that suggests children between five and 11 have had a bit less of a benefit in terms of preventing infection with this vaccine, the vaccine remains very, very effective at preventing those children from serious illness,” Reiner added. “Every child in this country should be vaccinated for coronavirus.”

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