The politics of the Jackson pick

One place where we’re not seeing consternation over the selection of Jackson is from Democrats in the pro-Childs camp. Even while pushing the South Carolina judge, folks went to great lengths to make sure they weren’t pitting the two frontrunners against each other. And since Biden’s announcement, there’s been nothing but praise for Jackson.


The most closely watched reaction to Jackson was that of House Majority Whip JIM CLYBURN (D-S.C.), a key Biden ally and the person who gets the credit for extracting Biden’s promise to nominate a Black woman to begin with. Clyburn was quick to praise Biden’s pick in a statement and defended her against Graham’s criticism. “I do not see Judge Brown Jackson as being radical at all,” Clyburn told reporters.

Others who lobbied for Childs reacted similarly. Their reasoning? The possibility of getting any qualified Black woman on the highest court in the land is too important to not jump on board.

A South Carolina politician who knows Childs, TAMEIKA ISAAC DEVINE, summed it up this way: “For most people, especially Black women, we look at this being our time and that it is our time to have a Black woman. So no matter whether your personal pick got selected or not, any of those women are very qualified. And it’s a great moment of pride for all of us to have a Black woman nominated to be on the highest court in the land.”

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