"[R]emember the frame of mind you were in when you wrote that text on January 6th"

SEAN HANNITY: The question is this corrupt committee. The question is why this riot, and not 574 other riots. The question is, is there any privacy in this country anymore or did they get to release thousands more of individual private citizens’ tax.


GERALDO RIVERA: I beg you, Sean, to remember the frame of mind you were in when you wrote that text on January 6th. And when Laura did. And when Brian did. And when Don Jr. did. Remember that concern you had. Remember the frustration you had at our beloved 45th president.

Where was he? How can he do this? Why doesn’t he say something?

SEAN HANNITY: But the point is he did.

GERALDO RIVERA: You saw unfolding before your very eyes an attack on democracy. An attack on the Constitution. An attack on the Capitol of the United States.

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