"You’re a manipulative son of a b*tch who abuses your viewers"

Were you ever genuinely scared?

Yeah. I’d say maybe it’s around 2:30 p.m., and there was a moment where I was like, “Man, there’s a real sense of evil.” I can’t explain it any further than that. And I’m not one of these guys that feels evil a lot. But I just felt a real darkness, like a thick, bad feeling. And there was about a 15- to 30-minute time frame, where, at one point, you realize they’ve breached the Capitol. I know if they can breach those outer lines, they can get anywhere, including my office. And I had been targeted on Twitter that day and prior, like, “Hangman’s noose. We’re coming for you.” And people know where my office is. So I barricaded myself in here, thinking, “If this is as bad as it seems, they may end up at my office, breaking this crap down, and I may have to do what I can.”


So, you contemplated having to discharge your firearm on American citizens?

Yeah, I thought about it. If you’re already at a point where you’re beating down police officers, and you’re willing to sack the US Capitol, which hadn’t been done in hundreds of years, if you come face-to-face with Chief RINO in his office, who doesn’t believe that Donald Trump won re-election, yeah, they’re going to try to fight and kill me, and I’m not going to let that happen…

What about the Republicans who came out against Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg for spending time at home with his adopted, prematurely born twins?

I highly doubt that the secretary was totally disconnected from work. Although he probably could have been and should have been. But he has deputies, I’m sure he was in touch. And [Fox News host] Tucker Carlson took nothing but a cheap shot at him because it was a temporary hit of Pixy Stix or shot of heroin, it makes people feel great, they stay on. The rage works. And he created rage. Talking about Pete Buttigieg learning how to breastfeed — like, c’mon man. You’re obviously ignorant. Which I don’t think. I think Tucker’s really smart. You’re a manipulative son of a bitch who abuses your viewers for your own personal profit.


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