This disturbing incident provides a glimpse at the true goal of critical race theory: resegregating our society by skin color, taking us right back to where we began.
Atlanta public schools even go as far as providing resources to teachers instructing them to complete a “classroom equity audit” and create “equity-centered environments.” Teachers were advised to “make links that show how the historical roots of injustice impact the lived experiences and material conditions of people today.”
Apparently, the best way to help Atlanta’s underprivileged communities learn and become successful is to tell children that they are oppressed instead of encouraging them with the knowledge that they have the ability to do great things.
My uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., wouldn’t recognize this regressive version of the civil rights movement. Nor would his life and leadership mean anything to today’s critical race theorists. He preached a vision of the world which focused on character, not skin color. To today’s critical race theorists, my uncle was hopelessly naïve. They reject the vision that the civil rights movement fought for, and they will not stop until our institutions are torn down and remade.
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