What does America have to show for having this elite braintrust in the White House? For one, gas prices, inflation and illegal immigration are all sky-high. Plus we have a supply chain crisis on both coasts. Last week, when discussing the gridlock at the ports, President Biden spoke for under six minutes before wandering off the stage as reporters shouted questions at the back of his head, a gesture which has come to characterize his presidency to date.
The truth is that even if Joe were allowed to take questions, he would not have any answers for us. And his team isn’t any better.
Mayor Pete — I’m sorry — Sec. Pete Buttigieg of the Department of Transportation, who has been on paternity leave since mid-August, tried to answer questions about the supply chain disasters. He told his friends at Morning Joe, ‘Look, this is obviously an incredibly complicated situation that we’re talking about. We’re talking about global supply chains.’ Pete, why wasn’t this situation too complicated for the Trump administration? Or did they also deal with idling cargo ships and the mainstream media just missed that story?
Speaking of, these know-it-alls had plenty of criticisms about Trump’s handling of the border. According to these founts of wisdom-turned-shoulder-shruggers, Trump’s handling of illegal immigration was inhumane, unacceptable and of course, the perennial favorite, ‘a stain on our country’. Naturally, equipped with their endless expertise on governing and national security, you would think this administration would have had this problem solved in no time. Think again.
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