Four months before Col. Scheller publicly denounced the military brass for what most Americans consider a reckless and deadly failure, Space Force Commander Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier was fired for speaking out against the Pentagon’s powers that be. Lohmeier made an observation on his podcast that, instead of preparing US warriors for winning battles, military leadership placed too much focus on advancing Marxist ideologies such as Critical Race Theory. Both of these patriotic officers lost their jobs simply because they did the “unthinkable”: They dared to call out their superiors for deficiencies. Both of these brave officers sought to make our military more prepared to handle foreign threats.
Contrast this with Alexander Vindman, the retired US Army colonel who spurred the impeachment process of former President Trump, and with Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who made secret calls to China behind Donald Trump’s back. Vindman, in a recent book, proudly admitted that he “was the driving force” behind Trump’s impeachment.
He reported “up the chain” that the content of President Trump’s phone call with Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky merited impeachment. Vindman, who listened in on the call as part of his duties, was upset that Trump was pressuring Ukraine to take a firmer stance against corruption before disbursing American taxpayers’ money in security assistance to one of the most corrupt countries in the world.
Vindman and his coterie of lawyers, informants and other DC swamp creatures plunged Washington into political dysfunction, further polarizing an already deeply divided nation.
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