Wallace put Abbott under significant pressure on Fox News Sunday about whether the governor would support an incest and rape exception for Texas’ controversial anti-abortion law. As the interview continued, Wallace brought up Trump’s open letter demanding a 2020 election audit in Texas even though he carried the state by more than 600,000 votes.
Wallace said office of the Texas secretary of state has signed off on 4 audits in the state’s biggest counties, so he asked Abbott, “Isn’t it just a terrible waste of taxpayer money to have an audit in a state that everybody says went fine and that President Trump won by 600,000 votes? And aren’t you contributing to undermining confidence in our election process?”
Abbott countered that “there are audits of every aspect of government,” and the audits “were already underway.” This prompted him to ask “why do we audit everything in this world, but people raised their hands in concern when we audit elections, which is fundamental to our democracy?”
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