Survey: Worried about COVID, most parents no longer want kids in school full time

The survey, which was funded by the CDC and polled a sample of 1,448 public school parents and guardians from July 23 to Aug. 8, captured the spike in their concerns after the CDC updated its guidance.


Before July 27, 58 percent of those surveyed said they wanted their children in a classroom full time this year.

Afterward, that figure dropped to 43 percent.

“It’s a huge concern,” said Kizzy Dogan, a mother in Washington, D.C., whose 12-year-old twin sons struggled with online classes last year.

“Even though I’m like, ‘Oh, my God, yes, take them back to the building to get them out the house,’ in all actuality, it is a fear,” she said, noting that last week, just days before her sons were due to start in-person classes, she was informed that someone who had been in the school had tested positive for Covid. Her sons’ school is only offering an online option to children with medical needs, so her boys aren’t eligible.

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