The large fortune McAfee appears to have accumulated in the years following the sale of his company — estimated at more than $100 million — largely dissipated following the crash of 2007-08. After that he had what would politely be described as adventures in Central America and found himself in the somewhat unusual position of being deported from rather than to Guatemala. Immediately upon his return to the United States, he was approached by a prostitute, whom he would fall in love with and soon marry, a strange but oddly charming event worthy of one of the happier incidents in the lives of Defoe's heroines...
For all that, it is hard not to think that he would have been a more appealing character, at least aesthetically speaking, if he had lived 200 years earlier. In the 19th century McAfee might have composed "The Revolt of Islam" or a biography of William Tell in between keeping a pet bear in his Oxford rooms or fighting for Greek independence. Instead he both consumed and sold an enormous amount of drugs, wrote computer software, and ran unsuccessfully for the presidential nomination of a minor political party.
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