Cuomo is using his waning power to block mask sanity for kids

Cuomo has been a disaster for New York’s kids throughout the pandemic. Last April, at the height of the crisis, during one of his slap-fights with Mayor Bill de Blasio, Cuo­mo swaggered and declared he was in charge of Gotham schools. Hizzoner had announced that schools would remain closed for the remainder of the school year. Cuomo seethed that the decision wasn’t up to de Blasio. Then, two weeks later, the governor confirmed schools would indeed stay closed. Way to show the mayor who is boss, Governor! When it came time to open schools again in September, the governor was MIA. Showing up tanned and cocky to his news conferences throughout the summer, Cuomo said he was leaving reopening decisions to local districts. Now that it was time to make tough calls that would either anger teachers unions or help kids, the governor was no longer in charge. In October, he established a color-coded system that made no sense and closed several school districts in the Big Apple based on it. “The schools are important, because you will very often see the schools be a place of transmission,” he said. Even then, we know that, in fact, schools aren’t a vector of COVID transmission compared to other community settings, but whatever.

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