Trump bid to overturn vote crashes into wall of deadlines

Michigan is due to certify its state results Monday. Arizona and Pennsylvania counties must also finalize their results the same day. On the heels of Georgia’s certification of Joe Biden’s victory on Friday, the series of administrative deadlines stands to all but formalize Biden’s win by officially affirming the results in enough contested states to put him over the 270-electoral-vote threshold…


On the same day, Pennsylvania counties are due to deliver their certified vote totals to Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, a Democrat. Boockvar has no statutory deadline to issue a statewide certification, but is expected to move quickly. If both of those states certify next week, Trump would have no electoral path to prevent a Biden win — even if the president’s efforts succeed in other states, like Arizona, Nevada or Wisconsin.

Even in those states, Trump has been stymied so far in his attempts to prevent election certification. Late Friday, the Republican-controlled board of supervisors in Arizona’s largest county, Maricopa, voted unanimously to certify the results of the 2020 election after a meeting in which they systematically dismantled allegations of fraud.

“It’s time to dial back the rhetoric, conspiracies and false claims,” said Clint Hickman, the Republican board chairman. “In a free democracy, elections result in some people’s candidate losing.”

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