Rumors abound that Meghan could run for president in 2024, and she got the attention of the office’s current occupant, who said in a press conference on Wednesday that he is “not a fan” of the duchess. Donald Trump was responding to a video that she and Prince Harry made to promote Time 100’s list of the most influential people in 2020, in which she declared that November’s election is “the most important election of our lifetime.” But it’s possible that 2024 could be even more important for her personally.
“One of the reasons she was so keen not to give up her American citizenship was so she had the option to go into politics,” said a close friend of the royal. “I think if Meghan and Harry ever gave up their titles she would seriously consider running for president.”
However those working closely with Meghan insist she has no plans to pursue a political career. “While there’s no denying she is interested and engaged in politics as a topic, she harbors no ambition to enter a career in politics herself,” said one well-placed source.
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