Whatever happened to Joy Reid's alleged hackers and that FBI investigation?

To refresh your memory: in 2018, we reported on a slew of homophobic posts published on Reid’s blog “The Reid Report” a decade before.

Despite the evidence, Reid did not admit that she had actually written the posts. Instead, she told Mediaite in a statement that “In December I learned that an unknown, external party accessed and manipulated material from my now-defunct blog, The Reid Report, to include offensive and hateful references that are fabricated and run counter to my personal beliefs and ideology.”


“The manipulated material seems to be part of an effort to taint my character with false information by distorting a blog that ended a decade ago,” she continued. “Now that the site has been compromised I can state unequivocally that it does not represent the original entries. I hope that whoever corrupted the site recognizes the pain they have caused, not just to me, but to my family and communities that I care deeply about: LGBTQ, immigrants, people of color and other marginalized groups.”

Reid’s lawyer said the FBI was investigating the alleged hack.

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