Poll: Americans support vote-by-mail even as many worry about fraud

Trump’s attacks on vote-by-mail may have resonated with at least some Americans, even those that have voted by mail in the past. Still, a majority supports state actions to encourage mail-in voting, and mail-in voting itself. In the latest Economist/YouGov Poll, more than half of all adults (56%) approve of states sending applications for mail-in ballots to every eligible voter in their states, though half of Republicans (51%) reject state governments doing this.


Michigan mailed applications last week, and California has now done the same. The former state’s move triggered threats from President Trump to withhold federal funding to states that send applications for mail-in ballots to every voter in the state. The public overwhelmingly rejects (49% to 28%) the president’s threat. Less than half (46%) of Republicans side with the president on this — though that is more than the 30% of Republicans who disapprove.

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