Chris Christie on ABC: The press doesn't want to do the vetting on Bernie

CHRIS CHRISTIE: But who is the messenger? See, I agree with Sara about him being vetted, but who is going to do it? You know, the gun question wasn’t asked. Now imagine this — forget about the other candidates — on the panel.


RAHM EMANUEL: We’ve done seven hours on Medicare for All in the last nine debates and not one…

CHRISTIE: On the panel no one asked the question on guns. If that were a Republican debate with that same panel of journalists, you could guarantee that guns would be an early-on question. So that’s one problem. Who is going to do the vetting? The press doesn’t seem to want to do the vetting on this.

Secondly, which of those candidates is going to show the aptitude, George, to really vet Bernie Sanders. You’ve got to give him credit. Sanders has stood up there in the middle of that stage — when Donald Trump was in the middle of that stage, people were hitting him.

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